Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Gorgeous day.

I felt like writing to say what a beautiful day it was today. It was perfectly clear and sunny, something we haven't had for awhile. It almost felt like spring, even warmed up a bit. We were doing grave clearance all day today. Basically pulling ivy and brambles and cutting any ash (this is because ash was growing up way to much in the area, and they wanted to control it.) It is always a pleasure to be outside on a nice day as today. That and I missed my last few volunteer sessions on the heath due to being ill.

One other cool thing is that one of my housemates got a new laptop and I got to help her set it up. I like doing that kind of thing, would never want to do it as a job though. I have a wireless network in the house, and her computer had a built in wirless adaptor, so hooked it up to that real easy. It is funny how one person simple in setting up is another person's "huh." What I breezed through pretty quickly, she would have taken days to figure out. But, that is what friends are for.

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