Monday, March 20, 2006

Great british roast.

Okay, so I have to confess. One thing I LOVE here is a british roast. One of my former housemates, who I still see from time to time, hooked me on them. He can do a fantastic one. I was at his place last night, with his girlfriend and another friend. He made a roast chicken with potatoes, carrots, cabbage and yorkshire puddings. And gravy poured all over it. I was eating faster than I normally do just because how good it was. They also do roast beef and roast pork sometimes here. Chicken takes ages to cook though, so I was forced to sit through all the good smells until we could eat. He rubbed butter and garlic on the chicken and sprinkled the top with sesame seeds. That was different, but amazing just the same.

I must attempt a roast myself at some point, though I may do a pork to be different. But I won't forget the yorkies, they are the best. And anytime anyone wants to visit, I will prepare a roast just for you!!! :)

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