Friday, December 15, 2006

In Austin

So, I am now in Austin. After a very long journey (I really wish they would hurry up and invent beaming) I am with my family again. It is really great to see them. It is also like summer here, I was out in my t-shirt after getting here. Mind you, it was quite warm in London for the time of year, so maybe it is the global warming thing. I've already had some yummy honey baked ham and went up to the supermarket for a few things. Had to stretch my legs for a bit. It is funny, but for the first time I experienced something that I haven't before. Normally, I am well excited to come and see my family, and kinda dread at the end going back. But, this time I am actually missing London a bit. Between having such great friends and an amazing job, it really has become my home in my heart. Plus, I know my housemates will do some sort of drinks which I would have loved to be a part of. Well, I am happy to be with my family and hope to contact some of my friends in CA soon too.

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