Sunday, December 31, 2006

Back in London

I am back in London after a gruelling long journey. Because of bad weather I got delayed in Austin long enough to miss both the connecting flights to London from Houston. I had to stay in a hotel overnight, which luckily the airline paid for. I got on the flight the next day and both me and my luggage made it. Man, was I glad to get in my door and put my bags down. I am forcing myself to stay awake and adjust to this time again. I was suppose to work today, but that wasen't going to happen. I will be back tomorrow bright and early. I am too tired to even stay up until midnight for new years. I do hope everyone has a happy new years and can celebrate for me. I may have to rethink coming back earlier next time. Jetlag is definately having a worse effect on me as I get older, and it SUCKS.

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