Friday, November 03, 2006

Inconvienient truth and games

Had a good day out yesterday. I went to the science museum where they had an exhibition called game on. It is the history and culture of videogames. I had been 5 years ago, not too long after I arrived here, at the barbican. Well, it has returned to london in the new venue. They have around 120 games to play from game consoles and arcade units going back to the beginning. It definately flooded memories from my childhood playing games with my friends. I have been playing games, and have had a system, since 1986. 20 bloody years. That is a lot of gaming. I have loved every minute of it, and I still have games to play. In fact I will no doubt get the Playstation 3 when it comes out. :)

After the exhibition, I went for a stroll around the west end and ate at my favourite chinese restaurant. I then went and saw An Inconvienient Truth. I must say, they did an amazing job visually of presenting the information. It is definately an eye opener, and could be a great topic for conversation. I am really glad at this point that I have set myself up where I work locally enough to walk, and ride my bicycle everywhere I can. I would never want to own a car at this point. At least not a petrol driven one. It is hard to describe how profound the film was, it needs to be seen to understand. But I encourage everyone to see it, even on dvd. I just hope it's not too late.....

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