Thursday, October 12, 2006

Conkers and slides.

Last sunday was the conker championships on the heath. It is an annual event. I helped last year as a volunteer, but this year I was there as staff helping. It was great fun, with both kids and adults participating and enjoying themselves. A huge turnout. Basically, you have a conker, which comes from the horse chestnut tree, on the end of a string. Each person takes turns hitting their opponents conker. If your conker gets smashed, you are out. It goes on like that until you get two finalists who battle it out. Good stuff.

I found out yesterday that Tate Modern has a new exhibition in their great hall. It is 5 big slides, tubular, which anyone can slide down. They start on the 5th floor and go to the bottem. I am hoping to go this weekend to check it out. It will be a bit like being a kid again going to the playground. The artists reckons we need more stuff like this in our lives to keep us stimulated. I mean, if it can work when we are kids, why stop it? I wil for sure take pictures and post them. Should be fun.

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