Monday, June 12, 2006

Education Centre Launch

Last friday I attended 2 events. The first was for the launch of the education centre on the heath, which I have had a part in. Basically, it used to be an info centre, but has been transformed into the centre which you see on the right. Each wall of the room represents a different habitat area on the heath, whether it be grassland, heathland, ponds or woodland. I helped with making some of the decoration for the wall before I started work on the heath. It was a great event just to get to see so many people I knew. As you can see on the table there was light refreshments. Sam, the education officer, has put in a tremendous amount of work and energy to get this up and running and was well deserved of the celebration. It was a fun event that makes me pround to have been a part of and to continue to help as much as I can while working. Please be sure to view more pics of the centre in the new education centre album I created in my pictures site which is linked on the right.

I shall write about my second event, going to an underground station closure, in my next post.

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