Sunday, February 26, 2006

Pub crawl.

So, I did something last night that I haden't done before. A new housemate had moved in this week and she suggested going out for drinks to get to know us. I rarely would find an excuse not to go to a pub. Well, there ended up being 3 of us out of the total 8 that live here, but it was enough. So, we get to the first pub and decide to have a pint. I always get ale, it is my favourite. Although cider comes in second. She then suggested (and I might say she is very outgoing and open minded) going to a different pub. Well, we did that but got a half pint each. Then she decided she wanted to go to yet a different pub. Mind you, in england you are never short of pubs and we have quite a few around. We ended up at 5 different pubs in total. We had half pints and the rest of them as well. Suffice it to say I was pretty well pissed by the end of it. We started at 7:30 and left at 12:45. So, quite a long evening. Luckily none of us worked today so we could rest it off.

I can't say that there is a better way to get to know someone than that. Definately a welcome addition. I do love pubs. One of the great things about england that you just don't get the same of in the states. And, as stated in a previous post, from next summer they will be smoke free which is a major bonus. I don't go out to the pubs that often because not only am I tight for finances, but mostly because I don't seem to have much of anyone to go with and I don't like drinking alone. So, if any one who reads this wants to come and visit me, we will go to the pub and first round is on me!!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Rest of Half Term

I spent Thursday with the kids putting up a bird nature trail and then helping them create birds out of paper. They cut out the body and wings, coloured them in and then we attached them with a paper fastener. I couldn't believe how creative and great some of the birds were. It is always so easy to forget how intelligent children are and how we loose that growing up. They have such a great imagination and creativity. Makes me wish I was a kid again. :) This week has been the first time in a very long time that I have worked with art projects. I did enjoy them when I was a kid, but I guess grew out of it.

On Friday I was back at the education centre on the heath. I was helping put coloured paper on some grass that we had made out of chicken wire and paper in the meadow section, as well as paper over chicken wire for an oak tree that is being made. The kids helped with all this, as well as making insects out of plastic utensils. You wouldn't believe how real these looked. I didn't make one, but was entranced in watching the kids plus this other volunteer, make one. I hope to be able to help with these kinds of things still when I become a ranger.

Lastly, yesterday on my volunteer session we were cutting and grubbing out trees in an ancient ditch. They wanted to keep it clear for the water as well as to help it remain a ditch. We also had to clear the leaves from the ditch to help with flow. All that kind of work is very satisfying, if not tiring. There was also a huge group that day, which is also rewarding because of all the talk you get to do. I have not met one person I don't get along with and love talking with all of them. They often have good stories to tell as well. I do love conservation, just wish it haden't taken so long in life to figure it out!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Smoking ban!!!!

I am well chuffed. Yesterday it was voted in a majority to ban smoking from all pubs and clubs and all public transport. I have always loved going to the pub, just hated coming away smelling like a cigarette afterward. It won't come into force until next summer, but at least it is coming. And about damn time. I know all the buisnesses are worried that they will lose a significant amount of people, and therefore buisness, but at least people's health will improve. And I hope it can help other people to quit so they can join the rest of us for a pint.

I am continuing with the half term projects. Today, the kids went on another nature trail and then made mobiles in the classroom. Some also made little drums out of ice cream tubs and coloured pastic sheets. It was all quite cute.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Education activites for half term.

This week it is half term where the kids have a week off. That means on both the heath and at abney there are activites for the kids. I have been busy helping with both. On the heath, I have been helping transform the old information centre into an education centre. The kids are helping too!! We are painting the walls, making different habitats out of paper mache and changing the signs. There will be a woodland, meadow, grassland and pond. Well, all painted or paper mached, not real water or other things from outside.

At abney, today we put up a nature trail dealing with stag beetles that the kids had simple multiple choices questions to answer. All the information was up on posters are around the site. The kids also made stag beetle and ladybird puppets in the classroom. I was there to help with the materials and with the puppets. It was all good. I think I am getting better at working with the public and hope to continue that when I am a ranger. I will write more about it at the end of the week.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Pond life.

Yesterday, with my course, we did pond managment at a local primary school. The pond was in a little courtyard in the middle of the school. Because it was surrounded by walls, there was no breeze and it actually got quite warm in there. We were basically thinning out the roots and "muck" in the pond, as they starve it of oxygen and light. It gives more space for the life in the pond to swim around as well. It was quite satisfying. We put the arisings in a compost bin, as they can be used later, and that way any creatures that may have been in there can get back to the pond. The compost bin was positioned a short distance away.

Today, I did some pond edge maintainance on the heath. We were creating a "window" from the path to the pond by coppicing some small trees. We put those, and some other small branches and brambles onto a dead hedge that we created. This will allow for nesting and a good habitat.

On a different note, I am pleased to say I pre-orderd the Harry Potter Goblet of Fire dvd. Although no where as good as the book, I have totally enjoyed these movies, so will keep buying them. I am off tonight to meet up a friend for chinese food, a tradition we uphold every few weeks, so should be yummy.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Gorgeous day.

I felt like writing to say what a beautiful day it was today. It was perfectly clear and sunny, something we haven't had for awhile. It almost felt like spring, even warmed up a bit. We were doing grave clearance all day today. Basically pulling ivy and brambles and cutting any ash (this is because ash was growing up way to much in the area, and they wanted to control it.) It is always a pleasure to be outside on a nice day as today. That and I missed my last few volunteer sessions on the heath due to being ill.

One other cool thing is that one of my housemates got a new laptop and I got to help her set it up. I like doing that kind of thing, would never want to do it as a job though. I have a wireless network in the house, and her computer had a built in wirless adaptor, so hooked it up to that real easy. It is funny how one person simple in setting up is another person's "huh." What I breezed through pretty quickly, she would have taken days to figure out. But, that is what friends are for.

Saturday, February 04, 2006


So, for the second time this year I have a nasty cold. All stuffed up inside. I think it is just too cold here, temperature wise. I even had to miss my voluteer group today cause I just wasen't well, and that truely pisses me off. One nice thing is that I have had a nice IM chat with a friend of mine that always seems to make me feel better. One of those people that seem to always have the right thing to say.

Sorry it is such a sort update, I will have more when I am feeling better.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Trip to Kew.

With my course today we took a trip to Kew Gardens. It is located in west london right on the river Thames. It is actually a lot bigger than I expected. We were there to basically take a stroll around and look at what they were doing in terms of conservation. It was quite a cold day, so we weren't too keen to hang around anywhere too long (except maybe the greenhouses where it was warm :) We actually only covered about a third of the park in total. And that took us nearly 3 hours. I imagine it to be the type of place that one needs a couple days at least to explore it all. The only sucky thing is that it cost £10 to get in, which one might not want to pay twice. I would like to go back in the summer when the flowers and trees are in full bloom. For more information please visit:

On another note, I went by Hammersmith on my way and way back. This is where I lived for my first year in London at a hostel. I haven't been back there in quite awhile, and I still knew my way around. Even walked by the hostel and I wonder how I could of stayed in it that long, but needs must. Even though it isn't that far from where I live, it feels as if it is, maybe because I have come such a long way in my life from there.