Sunday, September 21, 2008

Changes abound, sort of.

Okay, it has now been truely forever since I posted. One of the things that kept me for a bit was having to change my photo site. I was on Flickr after yahoo photos closed and it sucks. I didn't like the layout and the fact it is a paying site. So, I switched to google photos. Much better. It is totally free with a huge limit size. I have changed the link on this blog and my very outdated website to reflect this. Plus I added more photos.

I took a trip to Las Vegas at the beginning of August. I enjoyed it. I freely admit that the main reason for going was that the Star Trek Experience as closing (closed now) and it was something I always wanted to see. I am a trekkie. But, I had been wanting to see Vegas since I am hooked on CSI. I found it to be a very huge tourist destination. I am sure they want it that way now to bring in as much money as possible, but it was almost too many people. And the strip felt like a long shopping mall. I did enjoy visiting a bunch of the hotels to scope out the decor. I went up the Effiel Tower at the Paris Hotel and went on the coaster at the New York hotel. I stayed in the Circus Circus. I probably wouldn't stay there again as it was nothing but kids, no surprise really. I also had a chance to take the monorail, which was cool. All in all a worthwile trip.

On another note. My job is going great. No complaints. I am still a term and am waiting to hear if I will be extended or not. I am still living with my dad to save up money. I can't justify getting an apartment with a year lease if I don't know if I will still be in my job after January. I am taking one course on tuesday nights this fall to compliment my job. It is a basic landscape horticulture course at Merritt College. I like the teacher, though the long day follwed by the shorter night sleep sucks. I was taking two courses, but had to drop one as it was way too much. The views from the College are amazing though. I will have to take some pictures soon.

My dad had his 70th birthday recently. My sister and I threw him a party with a select number of close friends. My aunt and cousin came out from Texas which was a treat. The time does fly though. My sister and I also just booked our tickets to go to Texas at Christmas which I am looking forward too. I always love to see my Grandmother who just turned 91. And she is still a gorgeous woman.

Well, hopefully it won't be as long until my next post. No promises though. :)